Thursday, July 17, 2014

Breaking it down

I've been silent for a few days; I allowed myself to lose focus. . . .  momentarily. That's the cool thing about being Accountable, about making a Goal a public thing.  Even though I hadn't posted, I still had friends, family, framily, and even folks I don't know very well tell me that I've motivated them to take steps toward their own health.  So suddenly my Goal became not about me, but about helping others feel motivated. If I can do it YOU can too!
I had to refocus because I felt that I was letting more than me down; to get back to steps that keep me moving toward success: steps to maintain confidence, fuel ambition; to persist with the right attitude. I can DO this! Me: the one who's going to do 100 pushups by the end of August! Will you do this with me?? I need your motivation!

I felt overwhelmed, so I broke it back down again to what can I do each day, when I don't really have 30 minutes to set aside. 
Today? Different day.   I did 6 sets of 10 each desk presses; building strength.

I went to WalMart and spent $1.50 on a "bouncy ball" you know, one of the colorful plastic/rubber balls kids play with - about the size of a soccer ball.
With this small accessory and a little bit of space at our desks, the kitchen table, the bathroom sink, or a wall, we have what we need to build strength and stamina.  A step at a time.  Can you do this? Of course!  But will you?

Yesterday, I confirmed that I'm going to lead a deskercise demonstration for a small (but enlightened) group at my office. It really boosted my confidence and motivation! I hope you'll follow along! As I develop different moves I'll post them.  Tell me what you think. Tell me if you feel silly (I hope so, fun is part of it), or if I'm not describing well enough.
I hope you'll comment! I hope you'll try it out! 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Invitation to be Accountable for Your Success

Responsible or Accountable?
And the significance of the difference between them in our pursuit of success.  Responsible and Accountable, each are part of the other.

I read a post on FaceBook attributed to Zig Ziglar; it said that no matter what we think or believe, we are each responsible for the choices that landed us where we are now.  I agree; but I would have chosen the word “accountable” rather than “responsible.”  When you’re responsible, you’re in charge of making something happen, for achieving results.  When you’re accountable, not only are you in charge, but you’re answerable for the results and consequences.

Whether we acknowledge it or not, we are the master of our destiny. Pause a moment to reflect on where you are right now; consider how you got here: your job and career; your standard of living. Be specific; create a full-color, focused snapshot that includes sensory details as well; the sounds in your life, and the smells.

How did you get here, where you are, today? Think back to pivotal moments; moments after which your life “changed” and headed in a new direction; or away from its current direction.  Be truthful as you consider these moments; what was your role in them?  In each of these moments, were you the driver, the passenger, or were you not even in the car?  Avoiding a decision, or procrastinating, is choice that also affects the direction of your life.

What was your responsibility in shaping the direction your life has taken so far? Did you make decisions and choices or did you avoid them?  If you made decisions, were the choices you’ve made an intentional, conscious, and determined effort to move yourself forward, toward your long-term vision of success? Were you accountable for your decisions and choices?

Last week, we developed our vision of success with specific and tangible details. This is an important first step in a vision quest; creating a detailed description of what success will look like when you've achieved it.  Consider how, if at all, your current situation would be different if you had made decisions and choices aimed at moving you closer to your vision of success. And if you’d been not only responsible for making these choices, but accountable, where would you be today?

Consider this an invitation to be accountable – moving forward approach decisions and choices from an accountable perspective.  Become accountable to yourself and your vision of success.  Share your thoughts, post your comments; and let’s move forward together.

With the right mindset we are all meant to succeed.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Meant to Succeed

 The sky is the limit

What is your success and how are you meant to achieve it?
Close your eyes for just a moment and envision success.  What do you see? How do you look; your shoes, your clothes; your jewelry? Where do you live? Someplace warm; sunny; or mountainous? How do you earn your living? What do you do? And where; in an office, a home office; poolside; or on a beach? Are you employed . . . . or are you self-employed?

If this is the first time you’ve focused on the specific details of your ideal lifestyle, why is that? Where is your attention, if not focused on your dream? Is that trade-off worthwhile - what are you sacrificing or gaining by focusing away from your dream?
If you've cultivated your vision (dream lifestyle) so that it's familiar and detailed, what have you done to move yourself toward it? Does your dream lifestyle have a part in decisions you make?
What have you achieved that you’ve dreamed of? How did you accomplish it? What kind of investment did you make (time, effort)?  
It has been proven that the more often and more detailed you focus on your ultimate and ideal vision of success, the greater the likelihood you will achieve it.  But it requires motivation and determination, and unwavering focus.

Join me in this conversation about achieving your destiny – join me in validating that we are all worth our highest aim.  And let's give ourselves what we've dreamed of!

With the right motivation we are all meant to succeed.