Sunday, April 20, 2014

Meant to Succeed

 The sky is the limit

What is your success and how are you meant to achieve it?
Close your eyes for just a moment and envision success.  What do you see? How do you look; your shoes, your clothes; your jewelry? Where do you live? Someplace warm; sunny; or mountainous? How do you earn your living? What do you do? And where; in an office, a home office; poolside; or on a beach? Are you employed . . . . or are you self-employed?

If this is the first time you’ve focused on the specific details of your ideal lifestyle, why is that? Where is your attention, if not focused on your dream? Is that trade-off worthwhile - what are you sacrificing or gaining by focusing away from your dream?
If you've cultivated your vision (dream lifestyle) so that it's familiar and detailed, what have you done to move yourself toward it? Does your dream lifestyle have a part in decisions you make?
What have you achieved that you’ve dreamed of? How did you accomplish it? What kind of investment did you make (time, effort)?  
It has been proven that the more often and more detailed you focus on your ultimate and ideal vision of success, the greater the likelihood you will achieve it.  But it requires motivation and determination, and unwavering focus.

Join me in this conversation about achieving your destiny – join me in validating that we are all worth our highest aim.  And let's give ourselves what we've dreamed of!

With the right motivation we are all meant to succeed.

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